
Just Haven't Met You Yet 42

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Literature Text

Long Shot

Gliding through the darkness of space, the Normandy approached a small planet hidden away in the edge of the galaxy. Hovering in orbit, the crew dispatched the Kodiak and descended into the atmosphere. In the back, Garrus sat across from Shepard and Liara. The Asari was quiet, glancing out the window as they entered a massive thunderstorm, eventually coming up alongside a massive ship.

"Havalas," She said simply, "The oceans boil during the day, then snap freeze ten minutes after sundown."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Shepard looked out the window. "The Shadow Broker lives in this?"

With a shrug, Liara shifted in her seat. "His ship follows the sunset, completely undetectable in the storm…unless you know where to look."

While the storm buffeted the little craft, Shepard crossed her arms over her chest. "So how do we get inside?"

"The shuttle bay is locked down. We need to land on the ship and hunt for a hatch." Both women stood and approached the window, the clouds roiling outside. "We can't stay outside for long. There's a constant lightning storm where the hot and cold air collide."

Erin turned away from the window and approached Garrus. The Turian had been very quiet since returning from Illium, locking himself in the Main Battery until Shepard had come to get him for the mission.


The blue eyed Turian lifted his gaze to where Shepard had extended her hand towards him. Fluttering his mandibles into the tiniest of smiles, he took her hand with the lightest of touches. "Hey."

For a long moment, the pair was silent. Garrus still wasn't sure he was enough for her, and to some degree Shepard knew he was having a crisis. Still, she wouldn't say a word until the mission was over. To some degree, the pair was aware that Liara was watching them hold hands. Outside the wind howled around the tiny little craft as they approached the landing point on the ship.

Gently, Shepard extracted her hand from Garrus's. "We should get ready."

Nodding, the Turian stood and donned his helmet. The door of the shuttle opened, buffeting the trio with strong winds. Hurriedly the three leapt from the Kodiak in time to see it be pulled out and back into the atmosphere.

"It's hard to pinpoint in this lightning but…I'm picking up signals from a communications array near the back of the ship. There's nothing below but maintenance equipment. We have to find an entrance near the back shielding."

Garrus couldn't see, but he could tell that Shepard was rolling her eyes, exasperated. Something about the way she moved and was acting told the Turian that she was just tired and wanted nothing more than to be done with this mission. Still, Shepard's nature wouldn't allow her to leave things the way they were…she was in this till the end.

Together the three plowed their way through waves of lightning, wind, and Shadow Broker agents. Momentarily Garrus was drawn back to the times when the three of them would go exploring on some far off planet. Now those days were gone…they were always on a mission, always had a purpose. There were no more trips to planets just to see what was there. No spur of the moment diversions.

Of course Garrus had to admit that while he enjoyed the sense of purpose that missions gave them and he knew that Shepard liked having an objective to work towards those little diversions made everything worthwhile. Just to go down to the planet and play around in the Mako…

Shepard's voice cut across the com systems as Liara ducked towards a door. "How long will it take to get in?"

"I don't know. I've never broken into the Shadow Broker's lair before!" Liara glanced backwards, mischief dancing in her blue eyes. "Well, not this one anyway."

As more Shadow Broker agents poured towards them Garrus took a moment to watch Shepard. He loved the way she moved, he fully admitted it. Shepard wasn't like most soldiers who were trained a certain way and they simply did those memorized movements, she flowed and adapted like water. Beside her Liara fought just as well, the two women's biotics playing off each other and glowing brightly in the half light from the storm.

In a momentary lull, Shepard glanced over at Liara as she said something, and in that instant she laughed. He couldn't hear it and most of her face was obscured by the helmet she wore but he could tell that her face had lit up like the Citadel lights. If he hadn't been in the midst of fighting for his life, Garrus probably would have kissed her right then and there.

Once the door had opened the three strode in, Shepard leading the way as calmly as she would if she were walking around on the Normandy. Of course, that worked for maybe a minute before a rocket streaked right past Shepard's face, forcing all of them into cover. Despite what he'd told anyone else, Garrus still had a mild fear of the thing that had nearly killed him.

Working their way through, Liara spoke softly as they cleared out the last of the agents. "This next door should lead to the prison block…and Feron."

Without another word, Shepard began to hack the door, her fingers nimble over the tiny circuits. She was rewarded with a soft click as the door opened, allowing her to proceed into the actual cell block. All three entered with guns drawn but just inside the door Shepard froze, lowering her gun and a look of sheer distress crossing her face. Liara noticed, turned and the same look of anguish crossed her face as well.


Below, the sage green Drell twitched, his voice raspy as he looked towards the familiar sound. "Liara?"

Breaking into a sprint, the Asari practically dove for the orange control panel in the center of the room. "Hold on, we're getting you out of here."

In awe, Feron watched as Liara began to work at the console. Weakly, he shook his head. "No…"

His warning was too late. Electricity racked his body and he cried out in pain, which seemed to cause Liara a considerable amount of distress if her face was any indicator. Feron slumped back in his chair, still imprisoned and smoking.

Warily backing away from the console, Liara's voice was soft. "Feron…"

"What the hell is the Broker trying to do to you?" Exclaimed Shepard, her voice brimming with barely controlled fury.

Settling back into his prison, Feron sighed. "The equipment is sensitive to tampering. This equipment plugs into the Broker's info network. You have to shut off the power. Pull me out now and my brain cooks."

Slowly Liara seemed to become more and more flustered. "Do you know where we can cut the power?"

Exhausted, Feron seemed to tremble a little. "It won't be easy. You have to go to central operations."

Still, Shepard was not satisfied with the answers she was getting just from observation alone. "What's the point of this cage?"

"I don't-AUGH!"

As the shocks subsided, Liara turned to Erin. "It's a neural grounding rod. The medical equipment is to make sure he doesn't…expire. We have to shut this place down!"

"Where did the Broker get the mercs?"

Settling in his chair once more, Feron looked around. "Raised his own private force. They're completely loy-"

Once more he was cut off by shocks. Even Garrus, who had seen some pretty atrocious things in his time on Omega found himself a little more than appalled.

Liara glanced sideways. "Shepard, we really don't have the time."

With an understanding nod, Shepard turned to Feron one more time. "What do you know about the Broker?"

"He did this to me." Snarled Feron, hatred radiating from every fiber of his being.

Erin exhaled softly. "I was hoping you'd know what he is…"

As if realizing his mistake, Feron shook his head. "I never got a good look. All I know is he's big. The guards are terrified of him."

"A Krogan?" Ventured Liara.

The Drell locked eyes with the Asari beside Shepard. "I don't know. But not everyone who visits his office comes back out."

That was everything Shepard needed to know. Fiercely, she nodded. "Easy or not, we're all getting out of here."

Slumping back, Feron sounded exhausted. "Good…Central Operations is down the hall. You know the Shadow Broker is waiting for you, right?"

"I'm counting on it."

If Garrus didn't know better, he would have said that the commander sounded almost…smug? Was that the proper human emotion? Still, he pushed it out of his mind as Liara went on. "We'll be back for you Feron."

"I'll try not to go anywhere."

Resisting the urge to laugh, Garrus followed the two ladies out of the prison, casting one final look back at Feron. From here, he looked so much like Thane it was a little scary. The look on Shepard's face when she'd walked in flashed through the Turain's mind and he wondered if she had made the connection before him. Had she looked down at the man they were to rescue and thought of Thane?

There was no time to think about it. Shepard was practically kicking down the door to the Shadow Broker's office and a thrill of excitement shot through the air. She paused in the center of the room, pistol drawn and aimed squarely at the hulking figure that was, what Garrus presumed, the Shadow Broker. A few glances were thrown back and forth before a deep voice reverberated through the room.

"Here for the Drell. Reckless…Even for you, Commander."

If his voice scared her, Shepard didn't show it. A smirk painted itself across her face for a moment before she spoke. "Not reckless, just determined. Ask your Asari spectre about that."

The Broker was so still behind his desk that Garrus was half convinced that he was a puppet. "Vasir was expendable. All her death cost me was time."

"Expendable?" Liara asked, her voice brimming with rage. "Like Feron?"

At last the Broker addressed Liara directly. "Doctor T'Soni. Your interference caused all this. Feron betrayed me when he handed you Shepard's body. The Drell is simply paying the price."

"Someone was bound to come after you for working with the Collectors." Stated Erin, a sense of pride seeming to radiate off her.

Now the Broker seemed a little miffed. "It was a mutually beneficial partnership. Fortunately the Normandy's IFF will let me salvage the remains of the Collector's base."

Garrus could have laughed. While he knew Joker would protect the Normandy to the last, the Broker would have to go through Shepard first. She truly loved that ship, even if it wasn't the original. He remained silent though as Shepard, true to her fashion, tried for a non-violent conclusion. "Be smart. Let Feron walk out with us."

"You won't be walking out at all."

Liara, however, would have none of that. "You're quite confident for someone who has nowhere left to hide!"

Tossing her a casual glance, the Broker finally seemed to acknowledge Garrus as well. "You travel with fascinating companions, Doctor. It's good you brought Archangel, T'Soni. Your friend's bounty is still unclaimed."

In the moment of silence Garrus paused, about to stop himself from growling when he realized that for once, he wasn't the one making the noise. To his utter amazement, Shepard was snarling in a way that would have had any other male – Turian or not – running for cover.

Leave it to Liara to voice what Shepard couldn't actually put into words at the moment. "You're not putting a hand on anyone!"

The battle of minds seemed to shift to Liara and the Shadow Broker as he turned all his attention back to her. "It's pointless to challenge me Asari. I know your every secret, while you fumble in the dark?"

"Is that right?" Sneered Liara, giving the Broker a quick once over before barreling on. "You're a Yharg, a pre-space flight species quarantined to their home world for massacring the Council's first contact team. This base is older than your planets discovery. Which probably means you killed the original Shadow Broker sixty years ago, then took over. I'm guessing you were taken from your world by a trophy hunter who wanted a slave…or a pet. How am I doing?"

After spending so much time with Grunt and Wrex, Garrus would have liked to think that he could recognize when an attack was coming. Especially from Wrex, who could be so quiet and then abruptly unfold into spectacular displays of violence. But as the broker stood, towering over the trio, Garrus could only stare in awe at how massive he was.

Of course, this awe was cut short by a table being flung straight into Garrus's face. The last thing he heard was Shepard's yell of rage and then, nothing but black.


When Garrus awoke, it was not to a peaceful and quiet room, but to the sounds of intense combat. Blearily, he glanced around, juding that he'd only been out for a few minutes before locking onto Shepard.

Shepard, in true Shepard fasion, was fighting against the Broker hand to hand, the frail looking human giving back blow for blow what the Broker was dishing out. They struggled in the center of the room, the ceiling crackling above them. With a swiftness that surprised even Garrus, Shepard ducked beneath the Broker's massive arm, rolling to the shadows of the room.

"Liara, now!"

The Asari wasted no time while the Broker was confused. Using her impressive biotic ability, she brought the ceiling raining down upon him, lightning and energy pouring into the creature's body. In a flash of blue light, the Broker exploded, tossing Shepard back like a rag doll. As the dust settled, Liara approached, hesitated for a moment, and then offered her hand. Grateful, Shepard took it and rose, moving quickly towards the downed Turian.

Trembling a little, Garrus started to sit up, rising as Shepard approached him. For a long moment, the pair searched the other's face for some sign that anything was wrong. Opening his mouth to give a smart remark, Garrus found himself silenced as Shepard slammed into him, burying her face in his chest and snaking her arms around his waist tightly.

The gesture was simple, but it spoke volumes about how Shepard felt. It was over in an instant as chatter began to come in over the radio, desperate for information about what had happened. Both Erin and Garrus froze as Liara stared down the terminal before finally moving, opening a small tool.

"This is the Shadow Broker." She stated, the program automatically filtering it into the voice of the Broker. "The situation is under control. We experienced a power fluxuation while upgrading hardware. It disrupted communications momentarily."

A side door burst open and Feron stumbled in, pulling his pistol as he went but freezing at the sight of Liara bending over the console.

"However, we are now back online. Resume standard procedures. I want a status report on all operations within the next solar day. Shadow Broker, out."

FEron seemed just as stunned as everyone else in the room as he approached. "Goddess of Oceans…it's you. You…how?"

Wearily, Liara turned to face them. "Well…everyone who's ever seen him in person is dead. So…"

Clutching his side, Feron couldn't keep the awe out of his voice. "You're…the new Shadow Broker."

Slwoly, Shepard moved forward. "Is taking over as the Shadow Broker really a good idea?"

"It was either that or lose everything." Reasoned the Asari. "His contacts, his trading sources…those will really help us. With the Shadow Broker's information network I can…I can give you…I can…"

Liara turned away and Freon shifted uncomfortably. "I'll…check the power systems."

Garrus reluctantly followed along with Feron. Some things were best left to the girls, and he had a feeling that this emotional stuff was one of them. As he went, he cast a glance backwards and smiled at Shepard. She returned the smile and then moved her attention to Liara.

Gently, Shepard placed a hand on Liara's shoulder, turning the Asari to face her. Glittering tear tracsk ran down the other woman's cheeks. "It's over…It's finally…for two years…"

And it was true. Pulling Liara close, Shepard glanced up at the ceiling, feeling her own tears threatening to fall. After two years, Liara could find some peace…maybe she would as well.

"It's all right…" Whispered the spectre, and in a way, she was trying to assure herself of that as well.

Pulling away, Liara nodded. "Okay…we should focus. Let's see what our options are."

Together the women approached the main console, staring over the vast systems that comprised the Shadow Broker's network. It was impressive, even to someone who didn't fully understand the technology. Pride tinged Liara's voice as she spoke. "No safeguards…it's like he never expected anyone else to be in here. And it's all ours…"

Fighting back a grin, Shepard toyed with her hands. "Are you sure you want to stay here? I could use you on the Normandy."

Part of her was truly hoping that she would accept. It would be like having the old crew together again…well, not quite. But closer. Closer was better than nothing.

Still, the blue skinned alien shook her head. "I have to stay here. We can't pass this up Shepard. All I wanted was to rescue FEron but…is it wrong that part of me wants this? With the Shadow Broker's network I can help you. Maybe I can turn this operation into something…better!"

The grin Shepard had been trying to contain spread across her face. This sounded like the old Liara, the one she'd rescued from a Prothean dig site all those years ago. "Don't be a stranger this time."

Laughing, Liara smiled back. "Small chance of that."

For a long moment they were silent before Erin glanced at where the boys had disappeared. "How do you think Feron's doing?"

Now the other woman's voice was soft, tender almost. "As well as you'd expect. After two years of intermitant torture."

"He going to be okay?"

Shaking her head, Liara turned back to look at Shepard. "I don't know."

Erin's eyes glinted mischeviously. "So…You and Feron…"

Liara's eyes went as wide as saucers and she flushed a deep purple. "No! He's been through a traumatic ordeal…he's emotionally fragile and needs to heal. I'm sure he's very grateful to me for saving him…but it would be irresponsible of me to take advantage of that."

Smothering her disbelief, Erin nodded a little. Even though she knew something else was there, she would let Liara have her way. She was right, after all. Some wounds just needed time to heal. "Well, it's been really good to see you again…just let me know if you need anything."

"I think…" Liara said hesitantly, "What I need right now is a friend. I won't be able to leave for too long but spending all my time on this ship…maybe next time you come by I could come over to the Normandy?"

This seemed to brighten Erin considerably. "Sounds great! Why don't you just come up now?"


The loft was a perfect place to have some girl time, Shepard decided, pouring out two glasses of red wine. Garrus had disappeared with Feron and the ship recorded that he'd returned to the Normandy since then, which eased her mind a bit. Still, she was more excited to see Liara again now that they weren't fighting for their lives.

Glancing up as Liara entered, she beamed. "Did you enjoy the tour?"

After a moment of studying the fish tank, Liara smiled back. "Yes. It's a beautiful ship. And I ran into Joker! He seemed happy to see me. Although…he did ask if I'd 'embraced eternity' lately."

Embarassed, Erin rubbed at the back of her neck. "Of course he did…"

Now Liara turned to take in the various models Shepard had accumulated over her travels. While Erin fully admitted she didn't have the patience to put them together, she found that it was a good activity to do with Garrus. He could put them together and she could read the instructions to him. "I also spoke with Doctor Chakwas. I'm glad she's doing well. I…I brought you something. It took some work, but I got you new dog tags."

She offered a small frame with shiny, stainless steel dog tags resting against a periwinkle blue backdrop. Reveretnly, Erin took them, gaping. "T-Thank you…I thought I'd never…" She trailed off.

Pleased, Liara smiled. "Do you remember Admiral Hackett? He gave them to me so I could get them to you. He sends his best, and hopes you're okay."

Silence filled the cabin for a moment before Liara met Erin's gaze once more. "So…how are you actually doing Shepard? I mean, really. Not what you tell your squad to keep morale up."

Leaning against her work space, Erin took a moment to let her gaze linger on the pressed flowers that Garrus had once covered her room in. "Between you and me? I have no idea how I'm going to do this. I'm doing everything I can, but…"

"You've done more than most." Assured Liara as Erin moved towards the couch. "You and your team destroyed the Collector base and walked out alive."

Smirking at the memory, Erin nodded. "We fought them in their own base and we won. They can't call us young or primitive anymore."

"Young?" Liara's tone was light with barely concealed laughter. "You know I'm one hundred and eight…one hundred and nine in a couple of months…It's funny. Finally just the two of us and we still end up talking about everyone but ourselves. So tell me what you want."

The question threw Erin for a loop. "What I want?"

Placing a hand on her hip, Liara nodded. "What are you fighting for? A chance to give Garrus some peace?"

Blood seemed to rush to the commander's cheeks, and she knew she'd gone bright pink. Still, she had to admit that she couldn't be happier. Even so, she turned to sit on the bed. "He's been hurt…betrayed. He deserves something better. I never thought I'd find peace in the arms of a Turian, but…"

"Why not?" Liara countered, eyes bright. "Humans seem to have no trouble finding Asari attractive."

"Everyone finds Asari attractive."

This seemed to amuse Liara, but she went on. "I hope the two of you find some happiness Shepard. I should get back to my base but thanks for inviting me up Shepard. I uploaded some information the Broker had about your crew to your terminal…just in case."

For a long moment, the two embraced as friends. As she strode out, Erin quietly watched her go.

"Come back soon…"
Inspired by Kelly Clarkson's "Long Shot"

Music belongs to Kelly Clarkson
Mass Effect belongs to Bioware
Erin Shepard belongs to me
© 2010 - 2024 Starfire619
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